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Ann Thomas



My name is Ann Thomas, and I am so glad that you have decided to take your first steps towards starting therapy! Seeking counseling is a courageous act, and I am happy to be alongside you.


I recieved my masters degree in counseling psychology from Antioch University in Seattle, WA. I have experience working with folks with ADHD, bipolar disorders, depression, anxiety, and more. My area of concentration is loss and grief counseling. I believe that all losses create change in our lives that can feel foreign or uncertain. I have experience counseling people through complicated grieving as well as anticipatory grief.


My practice focuses on working with individuals and couples who are processing significant transitions in their lives, particularly those related to developmental processes such as career change, retirement, and family caregiving challenges. I emphasize helping you create meaning and explore new potentials. Our work together will help you act intentionally rather than reacting in response to old patterns that may no longer fit the person you are becoming.


I use an integrated approach that helps clients clarify their most essential interests, needs, and strengths in order to move forward thoughtfully. Drawing on dynamic theory as well as the most effective methods from cognitive-behavioral therapies, we will work collaboratively to find new options and ways of integrating your experiences.


I really look forward to working together with you to create new ways of understanding your experiences that reveal your most authentic nature and allow you to move forward freely.

I provide telehealth sessions so you may work within the comfort of your home.


I am accepting new patients. Afternoon and evening appointments are available.



Grief therapist in Washington
Telehealth ketamine treatment in Washington
Please click on image for more information on ketamine assisted psychotherapy services with Ann Thomas 

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